Root Canal Dental Specialists In Murrells Inlet, SC

Save Your Natural Teeth and Get Relief for Toothaches

If you have a toothache that won't go away, it may be time to find a dentist who does root canals in Murrells Inlet, SC. Carolina Center for Advanced Dentistry can help you get relief for your tooth aches, and help you discern why you're hurting. Sometimes the cause of the pain is a tooth that is infected and needs a root canal. 

Though many jokes have been told about root canals, modern dental technology is very effective and root canals are a relatively painless way to clear out a tooth infection and save your natural tooth or teeth, while also helping rid you of your tooth pain.
Our dentists want to help you keep your natural teeth, whenever it is possible, and he specializes in oral surgery, including root canals.

A root canal is a procedure specifically designed to save you from losing a tooth. Our teeth are comprised of certain parts, one of them being the pulp. A tooth’s pulp is where the nerve, blood vessels, and connective tissue are housed. When this area becomes inflamed or infected, then a root canal procedure must be taken to save that tooth from falling right out of your mouth. 

  • What is a Root Canal?

    A root canal may get a bad wrap in TV and in the movies. But in reality, it is one of the most common dental procedures performed. This simple treatment can save your natural teeth and prevent the need of dental implants or bridges.

    At the center of your tooth is pulp. Pulp is a collection of blood vessels that helps to build the surrounding tooth. Infection of the pulp can be caused by trauma to the tooth, deep decay, cracks and chips, or repeated dental procedures. Symptoms of the infection can be identified as visible injury or swelling of the tooth, sensitivity to temperature or pain in the tooth and gums.

    Using a root canal procedure to conserve a tooth may provide you with many benefits to your oral health. Some of these benefits include:

    • restore chewing and biting force;
    • restore sensation;
    • provide a more natural appearance; and
    • protect your teeth from further damage or infection.

  • How is a Root Canal Treatment Performed?

    If you experience any of the above symptoms, most likely non-surgical tool root canal treatment is recommended to eliminate the diseased pulp. The injured pulp is removed and the root canal system is thoroughly cleaned and sealed. 

    The root canal therapy usually involves local anesthesia and may be completed in one or more visits to our dental clinic, depending on the treatment required. If your tooth is not amenable to endodontic treatment or the chance of success is unfavorable, you will be informed at the time of consultation or when a complication becomes evident during or after treatment. Don’t worry, you’re in good hands with our endodontist!

  • How Do You Know If You Need A Root Canal?

    At the center of every tooth is a hollow area, known as the “pulp chamber”. The pulp chamber serves as a sort of reservoir that holds soft tissues such as the nerve, connective tissue, and blood vessels.

    The nerve of a tooth is located in the root. The root canals run from the root’s tip to the pulp chamber. However, the nerve does not play a major role in the day-to-day function of the tooth as it is primarily only used to detect hot or cold temperatures.

    A root canal treatment may be required when the pulp of the tooth becomes damaged and bacteria starts to fill up the chamber and multiply.

    This, along with decaying pulp, causes the tooth to become infected or abscessed. An abscessed tooth typically has pus-filled pockets at the tip of the root.

    An infection in the tooth usually manifests in the canal, causing facial swelling, bone loss around the end of the root, or a drainage hole in the side of the tooth.

  • What Is The Root Canal Treatment Process?

    The experienced staff at Carolina Center for Advanced Dentistry will take an x-ray of the tooth in question prior to the treatment in order to check the shape of the canals and determine if the bone or surrounding area is infected.

    To begin the process of treating the tooth, your dentist will administer a local anesthetic to numb the particular area.

    By using a rubber sheet also known as a “dam” to isolate the tooth, your dentist keeps the tooth and surrounding area clean and dry and free of saliva.

    A hole is then drilled into the tooth to gain access to the pulp chamber.

    Once your Murrells Inlet dentist has exposed the pulp chamber, he or she will then begin to remove infected pulp and, eventually, the nerve itself.

    This process is accomplished through the use of root canal files. These files, which vary in diameter, are placed one at a time into the tooth and down the entire root canal.

    This effectively cleans out any debris from the chamber and canal. Once this is done, your dentist will refill the canals and chamber with a rubber compound and seal it with cement.

  • How Much Will a Root Canal Cost at Your Murrells Inlet Clinic?

    The cost associated with this specialized procedure will vary. It is contingent upon factors such as the severity of damage to the affected tooth and which tooth is affected. It is also dependent upon age, general health, and the existence of any underlying medical conditions. In general, endodontic treatment is much less expensive than tooth removal and replacement with an artificial tooth. Simply put, if you need a root canal, it’s worth getting it done right away. The cost of not doing so is exponentially greater.

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